Tag: Home Upgrades

Posted on 09/01/2024
How to add value to your home in 3 ways
You may be wondering how to add value to your home,...
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Posted on 05/26/2024
5 Home Renovations That Can Improve Your Quality of Life
Home improvements are made to improv your quality of life and your home's potential values. While there is no wrong way to approach home renovations, consider the following recommendations. 1: Replace loose heating and venting registers Loose and inexpensively made heating and venting registers have a way of rattling just enough to bother homeowners. But they also tend...
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Posted on 05/22/2022
Home safety improvements: What type of funding could you get?
Making upgrades to your home can improve its safety, but these types of upgrades aren't always cheap. If you're avoiding these upgrades due to the cost, keep in mind funding options are available. These funding options can make some projects more affordable. Weatherization Assistance Program The Weatherization Assistance Program is available for households with incomes below a certain...
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Posted on 07/11/2021
Best Home Upgrades for ROI
When you’re making upgrades to your home, aim for changes that have a higher return on investment (ROI). ROI refers to the amount of money you can expect to recoup when you sell your home. Changes that have a higher ROI mean you can expect to recoup a higher amount compared to what you paid for these upgrades....
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Posted on 03/04/2019
Turn Your Bathroom Into A Luxe Spa With These Top Trends
The bathroom is a room of sanctuary in the home. It is the one room where, for the most part, you can find cherished, quiet time all to yourself. Even if it means locking the door to keep the kids out for the best two minutes of your day. Which is probably why creating a spa-like bathroom is a...
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